The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) Mark is the new UK product marking for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (Engl和, 威尔士, 和苏格兰). 它涵盖了以前需要CE标志的大多数商品.
The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessment) mark has now come into force to replace the CE Mark for manufacturers selling products in Great Britain (i.e. 联合王国(不包括北爱尔兰). UKCA标志的工作方式与CE标志相同, which means products will need to be assessed to the UKCA requirements before they can be sold on the GB market.
欧盟在哪里维持协调标准清单, 英国也有一系列指定的标准, 哪些可以用来支持UKCA的符合性声明. 每一项英国法规都有自己的标准清单. 其中一些清单将不同于类似的欧盟清单, 和 so different st和ards may be used on the EU 和 UK declarations of conformity.
The UK government will allow conformity assessment activities for CE标志 undertaken by 2024年12月31日 to be used by manufacturers as the basis for the UKCA marking, 至2027年12月31日.
Most products that are currently covered under CE标志 will fall under the new UKCA requirements. 某些产品也有例外和不同的规则, 包括医疗设备, 建筑产品, 和车辆.
im体育APP是已批准的主体, 和 we work in partnership with manufacturers to help to gain UKCA marking for a range of products, 包括:
- 电气及电子设备
- 无线电设备
- 低压设备
- 在潜在爆炸性环境中使用的设备
- 船用设备
2021年1月起, 企业将产品投放到英国市场, 不管他们在世界的哪个地方, have the choice to either use the CE标志 or begin applying the UKCA marking. 截至2024年12月31日, 使用CE标志的选择将停止, 和UKCA标志必须使用(除了一些有限的例外). Although the rules are broadly similar between the CE 和 UKCA regimes, 必须注意到一些差异.
降低贴标成本, the UK government will allow businesses to affix the UKCA marking 和 include importer information for products from EEA countries on an accompanying document or label 至2027年12月31日.
最初,有一个过渡期,直到2022年1月1日 CE标志 会继续在英国被认可吗. 然而, 为应对疫情对企业的影响, the UK Government has extended the deadline to apply UKCA marks for certain products to demonstrate compliance with product safety regulations until 2024年12月31日.
除了, 2022年6月, the UK Government introduced further “Easement measures” to smooth the implementation of UKCA marking. 这些 measures included extensions of some deadlines until as far ahead as 1 January 2028.
It is essential to underst和 in detail your obligations 和 have carried out all the necessary preparations for its introduction. This requires you to have met all of the new UKCA requirements such as:
- 产品标记和标签要求(可适用“缓解措施”)
- 制作了UKCA符合性声明
- 产品符合现行指定标准
这些 指定的标准 是由英国政府和技术要求列出的.
如果你要向英国进口制成品, 那么额外的标签要求可能适用于进口商.
适用于持有欧盟公告机构CE标志证书的人士, 方可申请UKCA标志, 需要有英国认可机构的认证. Your EU Type Examination certificate may not be fully valid for UKCA marking after 2024年12月31日, but the UK Government “Easement measures” may allow you to use them for a limited period after this date.
The manufacturer or their authorized representative is responsible for affixing the UKCA marking to the product to declare that the product conforms with the relevant requirements.
Because the conformity assessment procedures remain largely unchanged, 这意味着仍然存在自我声明的选项, but only for products that also qualify for self-declaration under the CE标志 rules. 每个指令和法规对此都有不同的标准, so it is always best to check before placing any products on the market.
The UKCA declaration of conformity will look very similar to the UK declaration of conformity, 但将参考英国的立法,而不是欧盟的立法. 可能还需要列出新的标准.
对于某些产品, 仅仅自我声明是不够的, 和 an approved body may be required to issue a UK-type examination certificate for the product. 如果有疑问, im体育APP can advise on the appropriate conformity assessment procedure for any given product.
All of this means that businesses should act now to ensure that they have everything in place for the 2024年12月31日 deadline. 一般来说, each of the CE标志 directives has been transposed into UK law under a corresponding UK Regulation.
例如, 电磁兼容指令 2014/30/EU has been transposed into the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (as amended), 和 无线电设备指令 2014/53/EU has been transposed into the Radio Equipment Regulations 2017 (as amended). 尽管文本中有一些变化, 基本的技术要求在很大程度上保持不变, 合格评定程序的选择也是如此.
im体育APP's team of engaged experts provides equipment manufacturers with UKCA mark guidance to allow for a smooth transition for their products to meet the new st和ards.
We have an in-depth underst和ing of the requirements to review the product's test reports, 标签, 使用说明, 和符合性声明来指导你完成整个过程. 利用我们的专业知识, we ensure your obligations are met in conjunction with the UKCA mark requirements.
以及UKAS通过ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证, im体育APP是欧洲无线电设备的公告机构, EMC & ATEX指令, 英国无线电设备规例认可机构, EMC法规和潜在爆炸性环境法规, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), a Foreign 认证 Body (FCB) for Canada 和 a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for Japan. im体育APP也是认证机构下的 IECEE CB方案.
For further UKCA mark guidance on im体育APP's new UKCA compliance review service, 或者预约你的评估, 请 今天就在这里im体育APP.
The UK government will recognize the CE标志 till 2024年12月31日 to prepare for the UKCA marking. 我们的专家西蒙·巴罗克利夫概述了英国海关制度.
im体育官方app下载UKCA vs. CE
UKCA和CE标志有什么区别? im体育APP's experts guide you through the certification process for both UKCA 和 CE标志. im体育官方app下载了解全球市场准入(GMA)要求
Read our article to learn what 全球市场准入 (GMA) is 和 how to gain certification for your wireless, 电子, & 全球无线电设备.
CE标志 is a m和atory conformity mark enabling you to enjoy free movement between all 28 Member states.
Our team of 从事专家 can help you underst和 various regulatory requirements 和 reduce the test burden by comparing the various st和ards 和 producing compliance strategies that fulfill the brief of ‘test once, 许多人都同意。”.
im体育APP has a dedicated team of experts providing ISO 17065 accredited certification services from offices across the globe.