Partnering with local and in-country representatives, im体育APP provides testing and certification to South American countries including Brazil, 秘鲁, and Argentina. 

Some of our South American testing and certification services include:


  • IECEE CB Scheme testing and certification
  • AFTIC testing and certification for radio equipment and 电信 equipment
  • Assistance with in-country testing  


Brazil - ANATEL certification 

  • ANATEL testing and certification for electrical equipment, radio equipment, and 电信 equipment
  • IECEE testing for INMETRO certification
  • Assistance with in-country testing 


Chile - SUBTEL certification 

  • FCC and EU test reports for SUBTEL certification


秘鲁 - MTC certification 

  • FCC and EU test reports are required for MTC certification


Uruguay - URSEC certification

  •  测试 and FCC and EU test reports for URSEC certification


Venezuela -  CONATEL certification

  • 测试 and FCC test reports for CONATEL certification


The im体育APP advantage

In addition to requirements for local representation of key markets, each country in South America has a unique system for product certification. 我们的 Global Market Access (GMA) experts help you create test methods that satisfy the requirements of multiple countries, including certifications for IECEx equipment and machinery for coal, oil and 气体 production, 电信, radio equipment, 和更多的.


For more information about how to get your products approved for the South American market, or to get a quote, contact us today. 



FCC 系统 Approval vs. FCC Modular Approval 

im体育APP’s wireless certification experts provide fast and efficient FCC approval for system and modular devices to help you bring your radio products to market sooner.


Top 5 Benefits of Pre-Certification 测试 

Pre-certification testing services are designed to help you achieve compliance and get your product to market while reducing costs, saving time and preserving resources.


Releted 服务

Safety 测试

Electrical Safety 测试 and Certification

Discover how im体育APP combines its range of electrical testing with EMC, radio, wireless and IoT compatibility services to get your products to market faster.

product certification and approval

产品 Certification and Approvals

im体育APP has a dedicated team of experts providing ISO 17065 accredited certification services from offices across the globe.


ATEX and IECEx Certification of non-electrical equipment

im体育APP helps you understand ATEX and IECEx Certification of non-electrical equipment, ATEX categories and the compliance route to construct a certification test program.

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Wireless Network and Device 测试

Discover how im体育APP supports its customers with a full range of wireless network testing services. 


我们的 team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.